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  • segmentable morphemes within a word with '-'
  • clitics with '='
  • multiple meta-language elements (meanings and/or abbreviations) in a single form with '.'

Gloss lexical items in 'normal font', and all else in 'CAPITALS'

  1. ms't  e'pi-jig  genn-atijig   jinm-ug  
    all   woman-PL  hold-3PL>4PL  man-PL   
    'all the women are holding the men'

When glossing morphemes, please use the following order:

  • verb.(mode).person

Please refer to the following default forms:

  • person: animate [AN] is assumed, only gloss inanimate [IN]
  • number: singular [SG] is the assumed, only gloss dual [DU] or plural [PL]
  • tense: present is assumed, only gloss past [PST], future [FUT], or pluperfect [PLP]
  • mode: indicative [IND] is assumed, only gloss imperative [IMP], subjunctive [SBJV] ('if...' or 'when...'), conditional [COND], subordinative [SUBV], infinitive [INF], or impersonal [IMPS]
  • order: no need to gloss this as the person agreement will provide this information (i.e. VII has one inanimate argument (i.e. 0 'it...'), VAI has one animate argument (i.e. 3 's/he...'), VTI has one animate subject and an inanimate object (i.e. 2>0 'you... it') and VTA has two animate arguments (i.e. 2>3 'you... her/him'))

NOTE: person/number agreement affixes that express both subject & object agreement, '>' should be used with the subject first and the object is second (i.e. subject>object)


(following Leipzig Glossing Conventions)

ABBREVIATION terminology notes
0 third person (inanimate)
1 first person
12 first person inclusive ('we (me & you)')
13 first person exclusive ('we (me & another)')
2 second person
3 third person (proximate, i.e. 's/he')
4 third person (obviative, i.e. 'her/his mother'
ABSN absentive
ADV adverb(ial)
AN animate default form (assumed if animacy not indicated)
ANTIP antipassive
APPL applicative
BEN benefactive
CAUS causative
CLF classifier
COMP complementizer
COMPL completive
COND conditional
CONJ conjunct
COP copula
DECL declarative
DEM demonstrative
DIR direct
DIST distal
DISTR distributive
DU dual
EMPH emphatic
EXCL exclusive
EXT.PL extended plural (provisional term contrasting with SG, DL, PL, to mean a number equivalent of 'multitude')
FOC focus
FUT future
IMP imperative
IN inanimate
INCL inclusive
IND indicative default form (assumed if mode not indicated)
INF infinitive
INST instrumental
INT intonation
IPFV imperfective
IMPS impersonal
IRR irrealis
LOC locative
N- non-
NEG negation, negative
NMLZ nominalizer, nominalization
OBJ object
OBL oblique
OBV obviative see obviation
PASS passive
PFV perfective
PL plural
POSS possessive
PLP pluperfect
PRF perfect
PRES present default form (assumed if tense not indicated)
PROG progressive
PROH prohibitive
PROX proximal, proximate default form (assumed if 3rd person not marked as obviative)
PST past
PURP purposive
Q question, question marker/particle
QUOT quotative
RECP reciprocal
REFL reflexive
RES resultative
SBJV subjunctive
SG singular default form (assumed if number not indicated)
SUBJ subject
SUBV subordinative
TOP topic
VAI intransitive verb with animate subject)
VII intransitive verb with inanimate subject)
VOC vocative
VTA transitive verb with animate subject & animate object
VTI transitive verb with animate subject & intransitive object