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Transitive Animate (TA) verbs are verbs that have an animate object. (All verbs with an object of any kind have an animate subject by default). Examples of TA verbs include gesalul, 'I love you' and nemi'g, 'I see him/her'. TA verbs have 36 possible combinations of subject and object, of which 8 involve the obviative. The 28 combinations that do not involve the obviative are shown in the tables below. Those that do can be found on another page.

The first table shows the endings for the present indicative of the TA verbs, and the second shows the negative endings for the present indicative.

Please note that in all tables, there is a box marked "REFL", which indicates that this form is a reflexive. It will be covered elsewhere.

Present Indicative

VTA Present Indicative
↓subject / object→ 1 13 12 2 2PL 3 3PL
1 REFL -ul -ulnoq -(V)'g† -(V)'gig
13 REFL -ulneg -ulneg -(Ve)g't -(Ve)g'jig
12 REFL -ugg -uggwig
2 -i'lin -i'lieg REFL -(V)'t -(V)'jig
2PL -i'lioq -i'lieg REFL -(V)oq -(V)oqig
3 -i'lit -ugsieg -ugsi'gw -(V)'sg -ugsioq REFL
3PL -i'lijig -ugsieg -ugsi'gwig -(V)'sgig -ugsioq REFL

† Note: The notation (V)'g means that, if the stem ends in a vowel, this vowel will be lengthened (if the stem ends in a consonant, the vowel will be a schwa). If there is no V, it means that the end vowel of the stem is dropped during conjugation.

Negative Present Indicative

VTA table template (minus 4th person)
↓subject / object→ 1 13 12 2 2PL 3 3PL
1 REFL -ulnu -uluoq -aq -aqig
13 REFL -ul(n)ueg -ul(n)ueg -aqat -aqajig
12 REFL -agw -alggwig
2 -iwn -iweg REFL -awt -awjig
2PL -iwoq -iweg REFL -awoq -awoqig
3 -igw -ugsiweg -ugsigw -ulnug -ugsiwoq REFL
3PL -i'gw -ugsiwegig -ugsi'gwig -ul(n)u'g -ugsiwoqig REFL